On this page: Membership | Membership Benefits | Membership Fees | Member Voting Rights | Testimonials


The Murray Darling Association is a membership-based peak representative organisation representing local government and communities across the Murray Darling Basin.  Our purpose is to provide effective representation of local government and communities at state and federal level in the management of Basin resources by:

  • Providing accurate, relevant and timely information,

  • Facilitating informed debate, and

  • Seeking to influence government policy.

Join Us!

Membership of the Murray Darling Association is open to all local government and other entities within the Basin, and to individuals with an interest in ensuring a sustainable future for the Murray-Darling Basin.

We welcome new members and their involvement in activities and meetings with us.


Cross boundary communication between South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland.

Networking opportunities with other LGAs.

Strong united voice at regional, state and federal level on important basin related issues.

Good regional structure bringing ideas and issues from a very broad area to a central space

Opportunity to discuss water related issues with other delegates who have Water/Environment as part of their portfolio.

Benefit of long history and knowledge accumulated over 71 years.

Local Government Entity

$0.305 per head of population

Capped at $6,681.82 (ex GST). Under this pricing, the cap benefits councils with a population exceeding 21,900.

Non-Local Government Entity

$350.00 (ex GST)

Individual Member

$90.00 (ex GST)

Life Member

No Fee

  • 1 vote, plus 1 vote per 20,000 head of population; capped at 3 votes.

  • 1 Vote

  • 1 Vote per person, up to 3 Delegates per Region.

  • 1 Vote

Member Voting Rights: AGM

  • 1 vote per region delegate in attendance. Up to 5 votes per member council.

  • 1 Vote

  • 1 Vote (Region of residence)

  • 1 Vote

Member Voting Rights: Region Meetings

Why join the Murray Darling Association?

  • “Greater Shepparton City Council recently formalised our support for the association. As Greater Shepparton forms part Australia’s food bowl it is imperative for us to participate. Forming a partnership with the MDA will strengthen our position when lobbying state and federal government on matters affecting our region and improve outcomes in the management of our natural resources.”

    Cr Dennis Patterson - Mayor

    Greater Shepparton City Council

    MDA member since 2015

  • “The Association is an important forum to consider basin issues from a holistic perspective. It is a great networking opportunity which allows all stakeholders to share information and experience, debate topics and learn from each other. The Association also provides an avenue to have a strong voice and input into policy making.”

    Frank Zaknich – General Manager

    Albury City Council

    MDA member since 1944

  • "As a Private Member I enjoy the fellowship of Local Government people and the exchange of information that you gain by attending Regional Meetings"

    Bede Mecham

    Individual Member